15 dic 2023

The importance of museums

Hello, my dearest reader’s! In today’s post we will be talking about the most important museums we can find in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. In addition, we will talk about the importance museums have to preserve cultural heritage. We have picked this topic because we have recently read a review published on 2nd June in The Guardian. In this review, Marina Hydes talks about the importance of museums. 

First of all, what is a museum? Many people would answer that it is simply a place to see pictures. However, museums are more than that. Museums are not-for-profit, permanent institutions in the service of society that research, collect, conserve, interpret and exhibit cultural heritage. By cultural heritage we mean the legacy of a certain community that can be buildings, sculptures, paintings, tools for agriculture and livestock,…They are public, accessible and inclusive. What is more, they are an essential means to educate the new generations and give visibility on the history of a country or a civilisation.

To put you in context, the first museums were very different from the museums we know today. In Rome, the word “museum” was used for places for philosophical discussions. The first time the term “museum” was used to describe something similar to a modern museum was in the 15th century for the collection of Lorenzo de Medici in Florence. The first museums were private collections only accessible to a few people.They displayed rare and curious natural objects and artifacts. Some worked as “wonder rooms” or “cabinets of curiosities”.

In the United Kingdom there are about 2,500 museums. Almost 1,800 have been accredited. Some important museums in the United Kingdom are The British Museum, National Gallery, Natural Story Museum, Victorian and Albert Museum and the National Railway Museum. Meanwhile, in Northern Ireland there are only 44 museums accredited. Some examples are Titanic of Belfast, Ulster Museum, Irish Republican History Museum, Museum of Free Derry, Headhunters Barber Shop and Railway Museum and Museum of Orange Heritage-Schomberg House. 

Personally, we believe that museums do an exceptional job of conservation and restoration of works of art. It is very interesting to be able to know the history of different civilisations in the same place and time thanks to the museums. However, we would also like to allude to the fact that much of the art found in museums comes from plundering to other countries. We have mentioned this fact previously in another entry, but we would like to emphasise our position against these acts again. Moreover, we think it would be convenient to inform visitors of this situation to teach them the importance of not taking cultural pieces from other countries and to respect others' culture.

As we have said, the labour of museums have played a crucial role in preserving the cultural and historical heritage of societies since we can remember. Their exhibitions help to provide a real connection with our past, which is really important to new generations that will learn easily about their roots.This is also truly useful for education and learning because museums are valuable educational resources: they offer a dynamic and interactive learning environment.

To our minds, museums are nerve centres for artistic expression and cultural exploration. These places provide a platform for artists  to display their works and contribute to the appreciation of different ways of art. This is related to another thought that we have about this, which is the inspiration  and creativity that museums contribute to create. This occurs because visitors are exposed to a wide range of diverse ideas, perspectives and ways of feeling. 

We believe that cultural identity is the mean motive for preserving heritage art. Museums contribute to a community (ethnical, personal...), a city, a nation or a village's sense of identity and pride by demonstrating its achievements, history, and unique cultural elements. They also help individuals connect with their roots and develop a sense of belonging. This is visible above all in natural history museums, which are in charge of the preservation of Natural Heritage.

If we are going to talk about the pros of the museums, we can not forget that they often attract tourists, contributing to the local visitors. Visitors to museums may spend money on accommodations, dining, and other activities too. They would boost the economic well-being of the surrounding community.

At least but not last, museums encourage critical thinking by presenting diverse perspectives and challenging preconceived notions. They provide visitors a space for reflection, allowing them to contemplate and question the world around them. That is what we have been trying to do during these weeks with our blog. 

We hope that you all have enjoyed this journey with us, reading and learning new things that may help you open your minds and your souls to the artistic world. Since the first moment, we have tried to make this blog enjoyable and didactic. We have appreciated your feedback and support, and it has been an honour to look for interesting information for you. 

We are now saying goodbye after many weeks here with you. We hope that you like this entry and we also encourage you to read all the previous posts if you have not done it yet. See you soon, my dearest readers! 


History of museums - from oldest to modern museums. (s.f). http://www.historyofmuseums.com/

Hyde, M. (2023, 2 junio). As wars rage, museums and culture become all the more important. The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/jun/02/as-wars-rage-museums-and-culture-become-all-the-more-important

Museum definition (2023) International Council of museums https://icom.museum/en/resources/standards-guidelines/museum-definition/

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The importance of museums

Hello, my dearest reader’s! In today’s post we will be talking about the most important museums we can find in the United Kingdom and Northe...